Friday, April 11, 2008

living with living with living with living with living with not dying from disease...
im about to be in a production of rent.
i have a family friend who has lived with this for years. things are not the same. they are just terrifying.

some secrets to be swallowed;
they seep through
your veins like vines
that weed to a
strangle hold tight
around your delicate throat,
entwined with your finespun hands
holding to your silence
while i reach mine in a soft echo
to hold-
when you're ready.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

in the future

we'll be wading through
landscapes of landfills
wondering what's become of
our home among the gum trees
and all the children's
plasma screen tvs and
wii willy winkys
will be a rotten mess around
our ankles, ash creeping
up and under
our tapping finger nails
trying to turn wine
to water.